      GDR Offering Related Information
      GDR Offering Related Information
      If you are located in Switzerland and have not confirmed the representations requested from you before, please confirm that you acknowledge and understand that the securities described in the following information and the documents available therein are only addressed to and directed at "professional client" within the meaning of article 4 para 3 of the FinSA in Switzerland and that if you are not a "professional client" you are not eligible to invest in the offering of the securities described in the following information.

      GDR Offering Related Information General Announcements
      亚洲中文字幕乱码,亚洲伊人a和欧美伊人和a,亚洲熟妇无码一区二区三区老鸦窝,中文字幕久热精品视频在线 日韩熟妇中文字幕